The hosted domains feature of a hosting account refers to the amount of registered domain names that one could add within the exact same account. Registering a domain address and hosting it are 2 completely different services although a lot of people consider them to be the very same thing. While the registration ensures that you become the owner of a specific domain address, the hosting element is what really permits you to have a web site since this is where your data and emails are going to be. As these are 2 separate services, you can register a new domain address with one company and host it with another by changing its name servers (DNS) - the domain address will work in the exact same way just as if it was registered and hosted with the exact same company. It is also extremely important to know that changing the hosting means directing the domain to a different company and not transferring it.

Hosted Domains in Web Hosting

When you use web hosting plans you will be able to host a different number of domain names, regardless of whether you register them with our company or using some other provider. In case you host just a few domain addresses, you'll likely use less resources, so you can go for a lower-end plan, that will also be more affordable. If you choose to add more domains in your account later on, you can add more slots via your hosting CP and keep the current plan or upgrade your entire plan and use the extra resources for the new domains. Either one of the upgrades takes just a couple of clicks and is activated straight away. Since registering and hosting a domain address are two different things, there is no limit on the number of domain addresses you are able to register no matter the plan you’ve signed up for.